How to be Successful in a Bear Market?


(object in the pic is closer than it appears)

The market can't always be bullish. Many days, it tumbles. Other times, it flatlines. The goal of trading is to make money irrespective of what the market looks like. 
Here are our advices for tumbling and flatlining markets:

1. When the Prices are Falling: This is relatively easy. Go short. Shorting is the opposite of Buying. You technically SELL a coin you don't have with the promise of buying it later. It means if the price rises, you're in loss. So this makes shorting an excellent strategy in a bear market. Do it on days of high volatility. But remember to set a stop loss, because you never know when some crypto starts an unexpected rally!
2. When the Market is Flatlined: The days when the prices neither go up, nor come down come inevitably. Here we make use of a beautiful concept called LEVERAGE. Instead of our recommended 3x, go 5 to 10x on such slow days. Because the prices are crawling, you have very little fear of sudden surges. So 10x leverage with even small gains of .5% will lead to a 5% gain for the day. Not that bad no?
