Is Crypto Really for YOU?


If you are here on this site, this shouldn't be a question you get bombarded with, right? Too late. We are going to do this anyway.
Many people just jump into crypto because everyone is doing it. This is called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). However, in some time these people realize that they just walked into risks or an environment that they hadn't 'consciously' signed up for. This is why it is our duty to make you go through this self assessment before you take up your first (or next) trade:
1. Are you comfortable with VERY high volatility? Meaning would you freak out if your holding fell by 40% overnight?
2. Do you trade based on your likes and dislikes and not what the market is trying to tell you?
3. Are you having enough self control that you don't put more money into this than you can afford?
4. Do you have the Gambler mentality and see trades as a gamble?
5. Do you agree to read about technical things like Resistance, Support, Leverage, Margin before investing?
6. Do you blindly use high leverage like 7x, 10x or even 40x just because the option is available?
7. Are you mentally strong enough to not let the trade market affect your interpersonal relationships and mental peace?
8. Do you get obsessed to trade more and more when you're losing money?
9. Can you manage to have enough self discipline to shut your app and go to sleep when you're having a bad day at Crypto?
10. Do you want to put money in some crypto coin just because someone else told you it's a sure shot 10x gain?

If the answer to any of the Even questions is YES or that to any of the Odd questions is NO, then we don't think your mentality is suitable for Crypto trading 'for now'. Either be happy you dodged a bullet here, or work on getting the right mentality. And then we'll be happy to welcome you with open arms!
