China and Its Effect on Crypto Downfall

China has always been a very important market for the world. It is THE manufacturing hub. It is also home to most miners of cryptocurrency.

It is believed as per the latest estimates that they have control of almost 70% of the world's cryptocurrency so far as mining goes. However the actual number may be even larger now. And this gives us a rough idea how important China is for the crypto market.

Just a few days back we received the news that China is placing a ban on bank transactions and mining of cryptocurrency. Now for an economy which holds almost 70% of the world's crypto mines, this ban comes as a huge blow. This resulted in panic selling across the world. Which led to a debacle of the spearhead combo of coins i.e. BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Etherium) and consequently, the other top 20 coins. This bloodshed didn't stop with just the top 20, it extended to almost all the technical altcoins and even the meme coins.

And yet it is important to note that this is not the first time that China has imposed such bans. They have enforced them in 2013 and 2017. Reports of the crypto world still being functional are well highlighted on many online portals. Exchanges such as Binance are still accepting Yuan. Miners are able to mine and convert the same into Yuan. In short, irrespective of the crackdown, the market is thriving.

But certainly the news of it has dwindled fortunes for many. Such news creates FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). While the whales and the seasoned veteran traders know such downs are commonplace and that this is a time to buy and not sell, the casual investor always ends up being the fall guy. They exit in panic and lose their fortunes. The rich and the experienced just HODL (Hold On for Dear Life) their crypto assets and wait for the seas to calm.

That's why it is said: dips and crashes happen to separate the spaghetti hands from the diamond ones.

Which one are you? That's a question you need to be asking yourself.
