The Crypto Bubble and When It Can Burst

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Crypto is a bubble. Crypto is a Ponzi scheme. Crypto this. Crypto that.

You must have heard these lines over and over again. You know what they have in common? They are said by people who don't own any crypto. While it never hurts to be careful, it does hurt to be overtly cautious. Being too scared of change is one of the most fool proof ways of remaining poor. Don't listen to these people. That's like a bald person advising you on your hairstyle!

Saying crypto is in a bubble is saying that it is a scam and doomed to fail from the start. Is that true? The answer is No and Yes. 

No, crypto as a whole is not a scam. Coins like Ethereum, Binance, Cardano, Solano, Polygon are built on huge blockchain technologies with talented teams and partners on board. They will surely be relevant in 10, 20, 30 years from now. Them 'bursting' is as likely as any other company bursting: it can happen but only if a competitor does so much better that they get annihilated (sorry Orkut). But considering their current positions, it seems extremely improbable. Moreover, such a competitor won't come by overnight. You, being the vigilant, responsible trader that you are will notice long before that and move your money to the better coin.

Yes, many coins are scams. Shib, cummies, kishu and so many others are known "shit coins" and "meme coins". They accept their uselessness: that they don't solve any problem and are essentially admitting that they live and die in the hype bubble. Other examples of coins that will burst are those that have just made big promises of huge technology or research but don't have the technical ability or funds to do it (as of now at least). The declining EGLD and VGX are some examples. 

But just ask yourself: can these hundreds of coins, backed by good technology, team, intentions, funding all vanish just because some naysayers think they are collectively one bubble? Highly unlikely. While many of your friends remain Chicken Littles, afraid the sky will fall, you should take the initiative to rise with the waves of uncertainty and volatility and start putting the bricks to build your crypto empire. 
